Latent Hough Transform for Object Detection
Nima Razavi, Juergen Gall, Pushmeet Kohli, and Luc Van Gool

Hough transform based methods for object detection work by allowing image features to vote for the location of the object. While this representation allows for parts observed in different training instances to support a single object hypothesis, it also produces false positives by accumulating votes that are consistent in location but inconsistent in other properties like pose, color, shape or type. In this work, we propose to augment the Hough transform with latent variables in order to enforce consistency among votes. To this end, only votes that agree on the assignment of the latent variable are allowed to support a single hypothesis. For training a Latent Hough Transform (LHT) model, we propose a learning scheme that exploits the linearity of the Hough transform based methods. Our experiments on two datasets including the challenging PASCAL VOC 2007 benchmark show that our method outperforms traditional Hough transform based methods leading to state-of-the-art performance on some categories.

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Razavi N., Gall J., Kohli P., and van Gool L., Latent Hough Transform for Object Detection (PDF), European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'12), Springer, LNCS 7574, 312-325, 2012. ©Springer-Verlag
Gall J., Yao A., Razavi N., van Gool L., and Lempitsky V., Hough Forests for Object Detection, Tracking, and Action Recognition (PDF), IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 33, No. 11, 2188-2202, 2011. ©IEEE