Yosemite sequence. Synthetic sequence with ground truth. Frequently asked questions about the Yosemite sequence including pseduo-code for reading the data.
Transparency sequence containing the reflection of a face in glass. From:
Black, M. J. and Anandan, P., The robust estimation of multiple motions: Parametric and piecewise-smooth flow fields, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, CVIU, 63(1), pp. 75-104, Jan. 1996. (abstract)
SRI tree sequence. Taken in 1986 at SRI by Bob Bolles and Harlyn Baker. Size 256X233.
Skaters sequence. Synthetic with two (roughly planar) layers. Provided by Jim Bergen.
Flower garden sequence.
Soda-can sequence. Provided by Joe Heel.
Two 100-image sequences. Hand data used in EigenTracking paper. The sequence in data/gesture1/crop-*.pgm contains the training data while data/gesture2/*.pgm contains the sequence used for tracking.
EigenTracking training data.
EigenTracking looming sequence.
EigenTracking pickup sequence.
EigenTracking moving sequence.
EigenTracking apparent motion sequence.
Person walking with camera motion. Thanks to Dan Huttenlocher for the sequence. The sequence appears in Fig. 15 in:
Black, M. J. and Jepson, A., Estimating multiple independent motions in segmented images using parametric models with local deformations, Workshop on Non-rigid and Articulate Motion, Austin, Texas, Nov. 1994, pp. 220-227. (postscript), (abstract)